Benefits of Membership
In its endeavour to promote member companies and their products, OPCEA directly participates in and provides the following services:
- OPCEA Exhibitions – OPCEA membership prioritizes all suppliers who wish to participate in the annual exhibition. WEAO Technical Symposium & OMWA Education Days
- Annual OPCEA Golf Tournament – OPCEA holds a highly regarded industry golf tournament for members and their clients. Details will be announced on our website.
- OPCEA Membership Guide & Website – 5,500 directories highlighting products and services of member companies are published annually and distributed in the Ontario marketplace. Furthermore, member companies will also have their company listed on the online directory that will be available at
- Influents Magazine – Combined WEAO/OPCEA magazine, which keeps member companies notified of upcoming events and opportunities. Spotlights done on personnel in the industry.
- OPCEA AGM – An annual general meeting sponsored by the association for member companies provides members an insight into the operations of OPCEA and provides a great networking opportunity.
- OPCEA Online Database – Launched in June 2020, the member database will allow OPCEA members to manage their business profile including contacts and products and services offered. We encourage you to review your firm’s online listing to make sure it is up to date.
- Preferential pricing for new memberships with ConstructConnect – ConstructConnect allows its customers to search for targeted and relevant project leads in an effort to secure new customers and increase revenue.
- Advocate for Members – OPCEA keeps up to date with what is happening within our Industry and makes sure that our members voices and interests are heard loud and clear. Our OPCEA members are updated on what is happening within our industry through our website and direct communications. It is with our members participation and voices that we are making a difference with WEAO and the Ontario and Canadian governments. OPCEA is present at WEAO Board and Committee meetings as well as contributing towards the publication contents of the Influents magazine, the annual exposition, our Young Professionals, and working collaboratively with WEAO for future events.
- OPCEA Association Health & Dental Plan – A plan offered to all OPCEA members regardless of size and underwritten by Manulife Financial.
New Member Registration
Criteria for OPCEA Membership:
Must be an Ontario firm involved in the supply of equipment or services to the water and wastewater industries.
Must have representation in Ontario with the representative company registered as an OPCEA member.
Upon approval of your membership application by the OPCEA Board, you will be sent an email confirmation and a link to take you to the location where you can pay by credit card and populate your company information to be displayed on the OPCEA website. Your membership will be active upon receipt of payment.
Initiation Fee: $200*
Membership Dues: $450
Total: $650 + $84.50 HST = $734.50
*Initiation Fee has been reduced for 2024-2025 Only to $200. Next renewal period-initation fee will return to $350
Membership Renewal
Already an OPCEA Member?
Membership Dues: $450
Total: $450 + $58.50 HST = $508.50