Max Rao, Aquafy Water Technologies – 2023 OPCEA Exhibition Lead
Once again, the 2023 Annual OPCEA Exhibition was a resounding success. With 109 exhibitors
showcasing equipment and services represented by the OPCEA membership, a great environment was
created whereby delegates, visitors and equipment suppliers could discuss the latest in industry trends. It
is the one time during the busy year when city staff, consultants, and equipment suppliers representing
the most influential companies in the industry are able to come together to talk shop, build on existing
relationships and establish new ones. Positive feedback was received with high traffic volumes seen on
both days of the Exhibition. Events on the tradeshow floor including the Operations Challenge and the
Totally Wasted Game Show kept the exhibition area busy for the full two days.
The OPCEA Reception held on Monday afternoon from 5 to 7 pm offered two beers from a local brewer,
Amsterdam Brewery. Both the Big Wheel Amber and the 3 Speed Lager were a hit with the attendees as
was the complimentary OPCEA beer glass. The donations raised this year once again went to Water for
People with just over $2,600 raised.
On behalf of OPCEA, I would like to thank the participating OPCEA member companies, conference
delegates, visitors, and volunteers for making this year’s sold out show a huge success. We look forward
to seeing everyone next year at the Niagara Falls Convention Centre.