ConstructConnect now partners with MasterSpec, a product of the American Institute of Architects and the leading software that houses specifications for various products and companies for architects to access and complete the writing of their own specifications.
For example, Wolseley can sign up for an enhanced listing that will list the specs and details of a butterfly valve. If an architect is looking to design a WasteWater Treatment Plant and is need of writing in butterfly valve, then a list of companies would be brought up matching his requirement. This leads to having a products in front of over 10,000 architects without having to reach out to them on a regular basis. Combined with ConstructConnect data, listing your products in MasterSpec will allow you to get in front of architects and engineers earlier, find specific projects where you are specified, and track your success.
This is typically meant for companies that have the ability to sell across Canada and US.
PDF Attachments: 2021 Q1 CC Construction Starts Forecast Report for and the MasterSpecSolutions-QuickInfoSheet.